Friday, November 20, 2009

A Good, Good Day

Today was a nice change for the past week and half or two weeks. The kids and I went out and did some Christmas shopping and then we went to Chick-fil-a. It was nice watching them play at Chick-fil-a with other kids and also nice to know that I'm not the only one with crazy kids! LOL Ariel was telling all the kids as they came in the door where to put their shoes and please put your socks in your shoes so they do not get lost. And please do not climb on the outside of the toys, Thank you. LOL She cracks me up. Preston found a little boy to run around and play karate with. It was too cute! I really need to get out to do things like that with them more. I believe another big part of the discipline problem I have with them is that they are soo sick of being at the house. And I have to agree! We started staying home more because it seemed like every time we went some where I ended up at Target spending about $100 on I don't even know what. That store has a really bad habit of making me spend money!! I guess I am just going to have to get some self control and be able to go out and actually window shop with out buying stuff!

Why is it that spending money makes women happy?? I can honestly say that I could be totally and completely depressed but if I go out and by stuff, even just stuff for the house not clothes or shoes, it really makes me happy. All the way to my core, it just makes me feel good! Why is that? Why do women need shopping as a therapy? Do men do that too? Err well OK never mind, I have 2 motorcycles, a gocart, a fifth wheel, and an enormous storage building in my backyard to answer that question.

New Moon premiers tonight!! I can't wait to see it! I didn't think that Mike was going to want to see it but he told me last night that I better not go see it with out him! So maybe we can make a date out of it! ;) I soo need that! I don't' think I would want to see that movie with out him anyway. I thought Twilight had an amazing love story and I hope New Moon doesn't disappoint. I haven't read the books so I have no idea what happens. I'm torn a little about this series though. I have always been interested in Vampires and Werewolves, why I have NO idea. Any other kind of fiction I can't really stand but those two always interested me. However, the stronger I become in my faith of The Lord it makes me look at things like Vampires and Werewolves differently. It makes me feel as if this is just one more thing the Devil is putting out there to reference back to evil and himself. I do not want to indulge in anything like that. At the same time though, its almost like really what can you watch now days that the Devil hasn't gotten to in some way. All TV shows and movies are so vulgar now and sex is everywhere. So as far as this series goes, I'm kind of in the middle. I feel like if my faith in The Lord is strong then I could be able to watch a great love story, even if it is about Vampires and Werewolves. I just know that above all I only want my relationship with God to strengthen and grow. I want to serve him and I want my children to be raised to serve him.

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