Sunday, November 15, 2009

Why do I feel so far behind?

Why is that I feel like I fall behind with my wifely/motherly duties so easily? Every wife and mother has the same duties that I do but why do I feel like I fall further behind than everyone else? If I have a lazy day and don't really do anything that day, it just seems like I never get caught up from that one day of laziness. Each day that goes by I keep getting further and further behind. The saying "A mothers work is never done" has never made more sense to me than it does now. I don't know if I feel like I lag further behind than everyone because Mike is gone all the time, maybe that's my disadvantage. If I was a single mom like some of my friends I would at least get a break every other weekend when the kids go to visit dad. However, with Mike's job I have my kids ALL the time. Especially since I have taken the kids out of CDO (it just kept getting more and more expensive). I don't like saying that I feel like I'm at a disadvantage because of Mike's job but it really is how I feel. Am I really that much further behind than everyone else? Do I really have a little more of a disadvantage than anything other wife/mother? Or is everyone else just better at hiding it than me?

Do other moms yell and get onto their kids as much as I do? Sometimes I wonder if I expect too much out of my kids. Ariel is so smart, too smart sometimes. She talks like a 16 year old, back talk, smart mouth and all. Preston just does what Ariel does. I know that they probably learn a lot of it from me as far as talk and attitude. But seriously, how many times do I have to spank their butts for turning on the water in the backyard before they realize that they probably shouldn't turn on the water anymore. Do other moms have to constantly do time out and or spank butts? Yesterday both of my kids were just on a tear. Ariel literally got probably 8-10 spankings before lunch. Yes, I did say before lunch. I know that sounds horrible, but seriously when I see her walking to the water spout with a cup and I tell her DO NOT TURN THE WATER ON OR YOU WILL GET IN TROUBLE. She lookes up at me with a dirty looked rolled her eyes and threw the cup down and then proceeded to stomp off. So she got one for that. Then literally no more than 10 min later I look out side and where is she? Standing at the water spout with the cup and her hand reaching up to turn the water on. So she got another one. Then a few minutes later I look out and she is sitting on her brother on the trampoline just wailing on him while he's screaming like she beating him to death. So then another one. Pretty much every time she did something to get a spanking she would then proceed to yell and back talk after the spanking which only led to another one. I felt like the worst mother EVER yesterday. I felt like all I did was yell and beat my kids! I do have to say though that I started using a wooden spoon rather than my hand yesterday and it actually seemed much more effective! So today I have just walked around with it in my back pocket. Apparently with my children intimidation is the key. I have given less spankings all day today than I did before lunch yesterday. But seriously, do anyone else's kids act like this?? What happened to my sweet babies? They are only 4 and 5, is this abnormal to have THIS much attitude at this young of age? I don't think I have been like one of those mom's you see in a store who lets her kids run around yelling and knocking stuff over. And I don't' think I have been too strict (obviously not strict enough or something). So why are they acting like this? How do other moms handle it? Do they yell and spank and/or use time out like I do? Do other moms feel hopeless sometimes like I do? Is every other mom just better at concealing it all than me??

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